Ph.D. School "Italo Gorini"

Geneva, Switzerland   /   10 - 14 September, 2018


State of the art of research on cryogenics monitoring

The increase in size and complexity of cryogenic installations for research purposes has generated new requirements and standard dedicated to cryogenics monitoring in order to operate these research devices and future utilities. Flow metering devices are mainly used for (a) assessment of cryogenic loads and overall installation diagnostic, (b) process monitoring and control and (c) detection of faults and wear on components. While many of the commercially available instruments can be used in cryogenic facilities with minor adaptations, significant developments are required when the operating temperature of the fluid to be measured is below ambient conditions. After an introduction of the fundamentals of flow measurements, the devices, applications and technologies developed for large-scale superconducting installations - such as particle accelerators and nuclear fusion tokamaks - will be reviewed.

Marco Pezzetti

pezzetti Marco Pezzetti has a master's degree in mechanical engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and a PhD in automatic at the Picardie Jules Verne University (France). He is currently senior staff and section leader for the control section of the cryogenics group at CERN.